Lt. General Jamil Hassan, Air Force Intelligence, and Maj. General Ali Mamlouk, National Security Bureau.
In issue 16 of Syria Notes, we look at the structure, leadership, and criminal actions of the Syrian secret police, the Mukhabarat.
We have two articles looking at how military and political issues in Lebanon impact Syrian refugees.
And we have two articles connected with events this month in Parliament: One from Naseem Al Sham of Families For Freedom, who will be speaking on Wednesday 11th October at a joint event with the APPG for Women, Peace and Security; And one from Kinda Haddad of the Airwars monitoring organisation, who will be speaking at our Raqqa and Beyond event on Tuesday 24th October.
Syria Notes No. 16: 9 October 2017 – view and download PDF
- Amnesty for fighters, detention for my peaceful husband
Naseem Al Sham - Syria’s secret police: the Mukhabarat
Brian Slocock - Lebanon: Who’s the boss?
Fidaa Itani - Nowhere left to run for 12,000 refugees facing eviction
Charlotte Alfred and Abby Sewell - The true cost of the Coalition’s war against ISIS in Syria
Kinda Haddad
Printing of this issue of Syria Notes has been funded by Lush Charity Pot.
To request print copies, please contact: secretariat@appgfriendsofsyria.org
Past issues of Syria Notes are archived here.
Families for Freedom
Women campaigning for detainees in Syria
Wednesday 11 October, 3.30 to 5pm.
The APPG on Women, Peace and Security and the APPG Friends of Syria, joined by Families For Freedom, Amnesty International UK, and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
Chaired by Baroness Hodgson of Abinger, co-chair of the APPG on Women, Peace and Security.
RSVP to secretariat@appgfriendsofsyria.org
Raqqa and beyond
The fight against ISIS and its aftermath
Tuesday 24th October 3 to 5pm.
Speakers to include Kinda Haddad of Airwars, Ikbal Ben Gaied Hassine of People Demand Change, Rana Khalaf, fellow with the Centre for Syria Studies, University of St. Andrews.
Chaired by Alison McGovern MP, co-chair of the APPG Friends of Syria.
RSVP to secretariat@appgfriendsofsyria.org